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Marvita Washington was a semifinalist on cycle 9 of ANTM in 2007. She later made the final fourteen on cycle 10 in 2008, where she was the fifth girl eliminated and placed tenth.


Cycle 9[]

Marvita originally auditioned for cycle 9, where she talked about being molested and raped at a young age. She also clashed with Ebony at the dinner table. She made the top twenty, but did not advance as a finalist.

Cycle 10[]

She auditioned again for cycle 10, and quickly had a huge rivalry with Fatima. When Fatima revealed her genital mutilation, Marvita asked if she felt less of a woman, to which all the girls ridiculed her for.

In episode two, backstage after the first runway show in times square, Fatima slapped Marvita across the face by accident. Marvita thought she did that to provoke her and get her disqualified. Fatima later apologized to her at the house.

She was given a "horsemane" makeover, which Tyra said was something that she invented. She got second call-out for her surprisingly sexy lingerie photo. She was eliminated in episode five over Whitney, because the judges felt like she gave up.

Call-Out Order[]

Marvita Episodes
1 2 3 4 5
10th 7th 2nd 8th Eliminated


Marvita has signed to Ikon Model Management. She appeared in Ebony magazine in December 2008, and Supermodels Unlimited. She has walked for BET's Rip the Runway in 2009.[1]


Her makeover ranked number seven on MsMojo's YouTube video "Top 20 Worst America's Next Top Model Makeovers".[2]



Follow Marvita[]


