America's Next Top Model
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Kimberly Rydzewski was an American fashion model. She is best known for being a contestant in cycle 10 of ANTM in 2008. She quit at the first panel and placed last.


Kimberly was known for asking Mr. Jay if he wanted her to pose at the photoshoot in auditions. Later, she revealed that she worked as a bank teller. Tyra asked if she took money, which she said yes to, but didn't realize Tyra meant stealing money. She was the fourth girl chosen to be in the final fourteen.

Despite producing a stellar photo, Kimberly stated to the judges in the first panel that fashion didn't appeal to her because she didn't see the point in paying so much money for one item of clothing. She gracefully removed herself from the competition to everyone's shock and dismay.

Call-Out Order[]

Kimberly Episodes
1 2
4th Quit

Behind the Scenes[]

Months later, Kimberly appeared on "The Tyra Banks Show" to explain the real reason she quit. Her boyfriend had committed suicide three months prior to being on the show. This caused her to become depressed as it reminded her of her mother's suicide when she was in seventh grade. She said she went on the show to become distracted, however, it only created more pressure, so she bowed out gracefully.[1]


After leaving the competition, Kimberly managed to successfully establish her brand, being featured in numerous online ad campaigns and fashion spreads. Her quirky posing and natural confidence gave this model an edge in the industry, making her one of the one of the more sought after Top Model alumni.[2]


On Monday, December 19, 2016, an obituary was posted that stated Kimberly had passed away. She was described as a compassionate and loving person, supporting several causes including the Humane Society.[3] Her boyfriend at the time said on his Facebook that she committed suicide by overdose.




