America's Next Top Model

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Coryn Woitel was a contestant on cycle 5 of ANTM in 2005. She was the sixth girl eliminated and placed eighth.


Coryn said at auditions that she grew up with a mom who had a drug problem, and never knew her dad. She didn't think the fame would change that, and Tyra applauded her honesty.

She is most known for her rivalry with Lisa. In episode five, Lisa said at the challenge that Coryn's biggest flaw was being too muscular, which upset Coryn. Next episode, the two got into a fight where Lisa said Coryn was "presenting yourself like a moron!" to which Coryn replied "And what are you doing, alcoholic bitch?" She was eliminated that episode for being too melancholy to the judges.

Coryn and Lisa later buried the hatchet at the reunion.

Call-Out Order[]

Coryn Episodes
1 2 3 4 5 6
9th 9th 3rd 7th 7th Eliminated

Post Show[]

Coryn signed with Caryn Models, and modeled for Fingerhut, L'ANZA Haircare and Fashion Odds magazine.[1][2][3]

Personal Life[]

She got married in 2019.[4]


She was an honorable mention on MsMojo's YouTube video "Top 10 Best America's Next Top Model Makeovers".[5]



Follow Coryn[]


